Japan is one of the major economics power of the world. For this the foreing citizens meet attracted for the stability of his economy, for his culture and way of life or even for his gastronomy. Now then, if you have decided to look for an employment abroad and Japan is your point of view, you must know some keys on wich it is the most rapid and simple form to obtain work in this country.
-Advantages that we find at the moment to work in Japan
1. The economy of Japan
2. The life is relatively cheap (hotels, restaurants, transport, much cheaper that in Sapin for example).
3. The wages are slightly better tan those of Spain.
4. The experience.
-Requirements to be employed at Japan.
1. To speak languages. To be employed at Japan we will need as minimun a level of average English. Ideal if you known the Japanese.
2. To be to so much of the customs and Japanese traditions. Japan is a very traditional country in this respect, that takes very seriously his custom.
3. To obtain before the pertinent papers/Visas to begin and to be employed legally at Japan. ​